The Link Between the Internet and Juvenile Delinquency
- Ginger Arnold
- April 18, 2021
- Internet of Things
A lot has been said and written recently about the role of the Internet and its influence on children. The Internet has become a unit and a part of the culture of Western nations of Europe and America, and to a lesser extent, eastern block countries and Africa. It is perhaps the most powerful cultural element in today’s society. Internet like television most nearly represents real life experience and is clearly a part of the home environment today in America. People, old and young alike, are attracted to it statistics show that several millions of people browse daily, and more people do so on weekends.
One of the controversies today has to do with influence of the Internet the learning of children. For children and even from adults, Internet is for both entertainment and learning. It is however difficult to separate the entertainment aspect from the learning and teaching part of the Internet. Both aspects interact. Again children are most impress unable and their young minds are not so discerning. So the temptations for young ones to accept everything pertain to Internet as reality. Since it is obvious that a good Internet websites does not necessarily mean positive intention, parents should encourage their children to make use of educative websites. Depending in how it is used Internet can give part of the curriculum new excitement, especially on children has given rise to special websites. You could introduce your child to sports like golf and buy them some nice golf clubs so they could have a more active lifestyle.
The influence in young people is as difficult to study as that of adults. There are positive and negative values of Internet. Internet has surpassed television as a major factor in the vocabulary enrichment of children. Another positive value is that kids who are habitual Internet users enjoy a more advanced knowledge of a far larger world. With the help of internet, we could now play some fun sports betting games via and win real money.
There are innumerable negative values on the influence of Internet on young users. A study showed that (68%) sixty-eight percent of juvenile offenders are found to have copied criminal techniques from Internet. Internet, perhaps the most potent influence on beliefs attitude, values and behavior of the young. Internet has taken away the child’s ability to form pictures in the mind. It has made some children hard and un-feeling for others. In an interview with some children from this writer’s neighborhood on what why feel about Internet; some astonishing responses are recorded. One of the children a twelve year old told this writer that it is meaningless if he saw people naked on the street or someone really get killed because he sees so much pornography’s and violence in the Internet.